
Portal 2 aperture science
Portal 2 aperture science

portal 2 aperture science

The end of the first game has a parking lot with a security station. What was once the inner workings of a strange building is now a series of almost floating catwalks and tube elevators that seem to have no purpose outside of being a video game level to move you between strange pseudo science panel boxes. This doesn't really make sense in the context of the actual structure of the outer areas in portal 1 but we are just supposed to believe the new gospel. So the stuff you remember from the first game isn't even an actual place. This was replaced entirely by an impossibly huge void filled with endlessly rebuildable super science funboxes operated by vague and probably impossible mechanisms. It looks nothing like the old game and the monitors don't serve any informational, mechanical, or even test based function.Īperture Science was originally a facility front, living spaces, observation rooms looking in on set test chambers, and neglected connecting areas suggesting industrial and office spaces. I knew I was in trouble when they changed the elevators. This is a complete and total removal of the original Portal's environment and the insertion of another one where the only anchor point is the original test chambers which barely factor in and are proven to be completely pointless by the test chamber creation process apparently being very off the cuff. I can overlook a few concept tweaks here and there to fit new ideas for a new game. I can overlook updated character looks to fit a new game engine as none of those were too jarring. This is not your slightly older brother's Aperture Science, but a completely different and revised version of Portal 1's facility. At the end of the day I have supposedly done that but I couldn't tell you what the hell they expected me to think of this joke of an environment.

portal 2 aperture science

When I played Portal 1 to the end the first thing I wanted out of a sequel was to explore and get a better sense of the Aperture Science facility.

portal 2 aperture science

Still I'm a bit uncomfortable with it's status as a sequel to the original Portal and playing it makes me unsatisfied in a very specific way. Portal 2 is a good game, I would even say it's a damn good game.

Portal 2 aperture science