There's confirmation in Mr Bean's gentle musings, for those who didn't know, that the look of the game is directly based on the TV show. Ye'll tek a gander at that Wall oop north, which I'm nithered just to put mind to, an' all folks in it'll look jus' like actors on telly." There's two fellas to make pretend as - Mors, from yon Night's Watch, and Alester, a Red Priest come back from flippin' exile. She said I were too mardy for t'be loved by millions. Who would have thunk that an ordinary lad from Yorkshire would become the King of the Rings and the Warrior Lord of Westeros? Not me mam. News comes via Sean Bean, who just lobbed a brick through my window with this note attached. This is the RPG Of Thrones, not the duff strategy one.